I suppose there comes a time in every technically-not-yet-but-doggone-it-I’m-gonna-give-it-the-old-Harvard-try writer’s life when she has to bite the proverbial bullet, lay down the pen and paper, and leap for the back steps of the quickly retreating techno-train before it leaves her eating gravel and shaking the dust of bygone days out of her split ends. The all aboard has sounded, calling me to leave my notebook-toting, .doc-bound ways, and summoning me on to that magical land called the Blogosphere.

It is with reluctance that I leave my happy home.  My writing is tucked safely away in its folder, buried in the Documents file in my Finder.  It sits there, content, unjudged, basking in the bliss of existing for existence’s sake, lazily dreaming of someday making its debut in a memoir or obituary.  

But the future is calling, and far be it from me to miss the train entirely.  So I’m becoming a blogger. I’m shaking off the cozy blanket of anonymity, doing my happy dance for good measure, and joining the conversation.

The blog idea has been percolating for quite some time, but now that I’m ready to finally take the leap to becoming a published writer, I thought it might just be the kind of journey to share with a few friends.  So this is me saying, “Hey Non-Descript Human! I like you! Wanna come with me while I write this book?”

That’s right, after years of dreaming (read: procrastinating) I’m going to write a book, and I would love for you to join me.  It promises to be an adventure…you know, masked men on horses, gravity-defying leaps between skyscrapers, and general swashbuckling.  The usual. 

So come along. I can’t promise it will be pretty, and I’m sure it won’t be easy, but it will be real. And as terrifying as that feels right now, the green pastures of the Blogosphere are calling to me, and I can’t help but hop the train.